Frankie Ho drove his NC Club to the TTOD, narrowly edging out Eddie Nagao-Itano in a Tesla Model 3.
Inaugural Gymkhana Results!
The cars were diverse, the times were close, but one team took the win!
The first-ever Comp Series was Friday, July 3rd, at The Balcony at WSIR, in conjunction with Extreme Speed Track Events. We had a very diverse group of different cars, ranging from American Muscle to lightweight Japanese 2 seaters, rotary power, MR, and even a (very fast) Tesla.
Qualifying times split the drivers into two teams of 5, and the competition runs began. Frankie Ho and his NC Club set the Top Time of the Day, a 59.9, which helped push Team Double D to victory! Perhaps even more crucial to Double D’s win was Eddie Nagao-Itano’s performance in the Tesla Model 3, who got faster with every single run and was only 8 tenths away from Frankie’s best time with a 1:00.7. There is no official prize for being the most consistent, but if there was, Eddie would take it.
The second team, whose name was far too long and confusing to remember, had their top two performances from Justin Goen in his rallycross BRZ and Wesley Chan in his nearly stock RX8. Justin set the fastest time for Team ???? with a 1:03.5 with what was certainly the “showiest” driving style of the group. Justin later said his rear tires were getting greasy, but we think he was just having too much fun hanging the rear out ;)
Team DD finished with a total time of 689.5 seconds, beating out Team ???? with a total time of 740.2 seconds.
Full timing can be seen on the left, and additional photos are posted below! We look forward to the next round!