Da Rules:
The purpose of this challenge is to see who can get Sub2 the cheapest, and what kind of car they do it in. Therefore, there is no difference between a 1:59.9 and a 1:49.9. As long as it’s under 2, that’s all that matters.
Tracking Budget
A spreadsheet is provided so everybody tracks their build the same way.
Everything that goes into the car must be added to the total cost, including maintenance, modifications, dyno time, tires, etc.
The purchase price of the car must be within reasonable “market value” for that model. Therefore, if you get an M3 from your bro for $500, the average market value will be used instead. A 3rd party expert will determine market values for different models.
If you go through several iterations, you do not need to include all in the costs; only the final iteration that gets the car under 2. E.g, if you start on $700 Federal tires and later switch to $1200 Yokohamas, you only need to add in the $1200 to your final budget, not both. This applies to parts, consumables, etc.
Labor costs must be included if outsourced.
If you are home-building parts, all materials costs must be included
If your car pings the BS meter, that’s your fault.
Complaining will get you nowhere.
You’re overthinking this.
Stop overthinking.
Any mass produced road car may participate, from Pinto to Pagani. Cost to purchase, cost to modify, and resultant speed are all equally important, so choose wisely.
Stripping the car is legal. Keep in mind, you must drive the car to events (without getting arrested), and completely chopping up a car for a challenge with no prizes is probably not the move.
See 7, 8, 9, and 10 above.
100TW or higher
Fluids do not need to be tracked in the budget. The goal isn’t to have people pinch pennies on engine oil and blow stuff up, so by all means, put that good oil in.
Other Considerations
The car must, obviously, be legal at a track day. This means the track day rules also apply for safety equipment, fuel, and general non-sketchiness.
Used parts are valued at 50% of retail price.
See 7, 8, 9, and 10.